Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 26

Tuesday, 28th April.

Today I have had a very bad day! I worked very poorly and didn't get one note card completed. I think this was because of the mark i got on my last journal and by the way it was a very poor mark. I think i handled the situation very poorly! Umm I'm really sorry Mr.Sparks! I really should learn how to take in constructive criticisms. And also i should try to improve my mark. Next time I should not get frustrated and go out of control on a teacher because that is WRONG!! Hopefully next time i would put that in mind and be more respectful and get better grades. Next lesson i am going to work very hard 1. because it is the last lesson 2. because i ow that to myself'' Again sorry Mr.Sparks! Ow and sir notice the spell checking.

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