Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 20

19th of April

Mr Sparks moved me today because I "talked". More like "whispered". :) He told me that If I did twenty note cards, I could move to my old spot next to Al Dana and Latifa Al Thani. I worked really hard to find good websites but I just got bits and pieces out of every website I had on Ancient Egypt, Art And Architecture, Religion, and Government.By the end of the lesson, I had ten note cards back to back. Technically, that was twenty note cards. Mr Sparks meant twenty note cards, back to back. That meant forty note cards in one lesson. Even if you made a robot do it for you, he wouldn't even reach up to twenty note cards back to back. No human can possibly do forty note cards in less than the last fifteen minutes of class that we had. I had trouble working up the other computer and it took more than twenty minutes to log on the computer. I wasted my whole class time just because I was " whispering ".

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