Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 16

12th of April

It was the first day back from spring break and everybody was all tired and couldn't be bothered to go to the library, or even walk. Some people in the class room decided that they need to go to the library again to finish up researching more information or just getting all of the bibliographies. I needed more time at the library because I was told the internet resources were really bad. Even worse than the books. So I wanted to get as much notecards as possible today. We raced up the stairs, to the library, and sat in our usual places. Mrs Korbatit's class was not there so the girl that takes all the books wasn't there to take all the ancient Egypt books, as she usually does. All the books were there because all of our friends are separated in to different grade 7 classes and they all said that they were in the multi-media lab right now and that they finished with library a long time ago. I am starting to feel that the internet would not be as worse as the sound.

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