Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 21

20th of April

Today, we were in another Multi Media lab for some reason. I noticed that Latifa, Al Dana and I were all sitting next to someone we ha-- I mean, strongly dislike. On the bright-side, I finished four note cards back to back. I hate the internet resources really much because I could not find any good websites at all. I think the next time we go to lab, we will have the time to go look for our own websites and that is a really better idea because I am getting sick and tired of Grolier and Brittanica. We will all probably be in the Multi Media Lab we are always in the next time we come to the Lab, which will be , I think, tomorrow. I should really get some work done and get to finish a lot of note cards like as if I was in a hurry or something like that.

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