Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 24

Sunday, 26th April

Bad, very bad! Today I have had a very bad lesson. Today i have had one of my worst lessons in the lab and it was a bad lesson for many reasons. 1. It was sunday. 2. I was so tired. 3. Computer problems. 4. Khalifa Alnaimi!!! Today i had 3 note cards done 17 less than my 20 note cards recored in one lesson. 17. At the begining of the lesson i tried to be motivated and get with the lesson and even try to break my recored "Hey it's not impossabile". I put away my stress and tierdness behind me and i foucsed on the lesson. 5 minutes in the lesson i got 2 note cards done when this guy who sits next to me "Khalifa" starts talking and talking and talking. And the worst thing was he was talking about football like he knew anything about real football. Huh "Boys". Today my note cards were not enough and i am really disspointed in myself. Hopefully next time "Khalifa" is absent.....

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