Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 18

14th of April

Mr Sparks got the wrong impression of Latifa, Al Dana and I on Tuesday. He said that if he sees one of us talking during his class time, he will move one of us. We were talking at the beginning of class only because we were asking each other what our ancient civilization is. It turns out that we were all doing the same early ancient civilization thing. Ancient Egypt. We were all also doing the same characteristic. That made it really easy to use some if each others website. I couldn't find anything useful on the Britanica or Grolier. It was like bits and peices out of every page made a note card only and that was really difficult for me to do that because I can't type really fast or even use the computer quickly like almost everybody in the class room can. Two very fast typers are next to me and can't be bothered to help me out or anything. I think Mr Sparks will move one of us. Probably Al Dana.

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