Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 25

Monday, 27th April.

Today was soo much better than yesterday. Sooo much better. Today i got 10 note cards done 7 more than yesterday. 7. Today i was also sitting next to khalifa and no he wasn't absent but "thank god" today he was working well! Today i got all my information from brainpop and suprisingly it was very good. I think the consept of a movie was so much more relavent for me although it did take some time! I've got 2 more lessons in the lab so i have to be working very very hard. Very hard. In tottal i have got 55 note cards and i asked Mr.Sparks if it was good and he said: As long as theirs good information on it, it's fine! Or something like that. I was so pleased when he said that but i don't want to be to pleased and not get more note cards done..!

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