Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 15

2nd Of April

I could not focus in class today because it was the last day of school and the next day, friday, will be spring break. I tried to wright some notes but some people were distracting me. A boy and a girl from the other class told Al Dana and I that it was o.k to copy off the book and then write it in our on way when it comes to the easy because the notes are not graded as a part of our humanities early civilization, they were just for you. I went to Mr Sparks and asked him if that was true or not because I've been getting the impression that it was not true. I've been copying from the books for a week. I found out that if we did that, we could get in serious trouble for plagiarizing. I had to start all over again because I have made a lot of note cards this week and it was the most, out of all the weeks I worked in the library on the early civilization, notecards I have ever made. I hope after the break, I will realize not to copy off of the book.

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