Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 23

Thursday, 23 April

Today was a very good day, again i have been foucing on Government and Law. I have just noticed that "Yes" maybe the books are better in both Art and Architecture and Religion but the internet rescourses ROCK in Government and Law. Today, my friend Latifa showed me the BEST website on Government and Law it just went on and on and on. It was great. I got six back to back note cards only on that website today and i still feel like i haven't covered it well yet!! Also today, on the same website i have found that the ancient Egyptions gave the pharoh other names like 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple' and i thought i could use these names in my essay to make it more creative and not to keep saying the pharoh, the pharoh, and the pharoh..... Can't wait till sundays lesson :D

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