Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22

Tuesday 22 April

Today, was actually a very good day! We were in another Multi-Media Lab so a lot of people had trouble with getting started with their work because it was probably the first time to log onto this computer. Believe me when i say "it takes ages to get the computer running if its the first time you log on to it". Today, I sat next to Hashim I think that was good because he isn't annoying, noisy. or rude. We just sat and worked and worked and worked (very hard). I did six notecards although they weren't back to back. I think I could have done more notecards if I had better information. Today, I mostly focsed about law and government seen as i only have six back to back notecards on that today i got three more! Hopefully next time will be better and I'm so not looking forward to sitting next to Khalifa...

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