Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 27

Thursday, 30 April.

I think I worked very well today! For the last lesson of research I think I did a lot of work. I did 15 back to back note cards. 15 back to back. Today I have worked quietly, enthusiastically, and hardly. I came into the class with a goal of 10 note cards and I came out with 15. 15. I was ecstatically happy with my work and myself but I was a little disappointed that I hadn’t done this from the beginning of the unit. Also I was disappointed when Mr. Sparks wasn’t here because I was really looking forward to a lesson with him. Can’t wait till Sunday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 26

Tuesday, 28th April.

Today I have had a very bad day! I worked very poorly and didn't get one note card completed. I think this was because of the mark i got on my last journal and by the way it was a very poor mark. I think i handled the situation very poorly! Umm I'm really sorry Mr.Sparks! I really should learn how to take in constructive criticisms. And also i should try to improve my mark. Next time I should not get frustrated and go out of control on a teacher because that is WRONG!! Hopefully next time i would put that in mind and be more respectful and get better grades. Next lesson i am going to work very hard 1. because it is the last lesson 2. because i ow that to myself'' Again sorry Mr.Sparks! Ow and sir notice the spell checking.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 25

Monday, 27th April.

Today was soo much better than yesterday. Sooo much better. Today i got 10 note cards done 7 more than yesterday. 7. Today i was also sitting next to khalifa and no he wasn't absent but "thank god" today he was working well! Today i got all my information from brainpop and suprisingly it was very good. I think the consept of a movie was so much more relavent for me although it did take some time! I've got 2 more lessons in the lab so i have to be working very very hard. Very hard. In tottal i have got 55 note cards and i asked Mr.Sparks if it was good and he said: As long as theirs good information on it, it's fine! Or something like that. I was so pleased when he said that but i don't want to be to pleased and not get more note cards done..!

Day 24

Sunday, 26th April

Bad, very bad! Today I have had a very bad lesson. Today i have had one of my worst lessons in the lab and it was a bad lesson for many reasons. 1. It was sunday. 2. I was so tired. 3. Computer problems. 4. Khalifa Alnaimi!!! Today i had 3 note cards done 17 less than my 20 note cards recored in one lesson. 17. At the begining of the lesson i tried to be motivated and get with the lesson and even try to break my recored "Hey it's not impossabile". I put away my stress and tierdness behind me and i foucsed on the lesson. 5 minutes in the lesson i got 2 note cards done when this guy who sits next to me "Khalifa" starts talking and talking and talking. And the worst thing was he was talking about football like he knew anything about real football. Huh "Boys". Today my note cards were not enough and i am really disspointed in myself. Hopefully next time "Khalifa" is absent.....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 23

Thursday, 23 April

Today was a very good day, again i have been foucing on Government and Law. I have just noticed that "Yes" maybe the books are better in both Art and Architecture and Religion but the internet rescourses ROCK in Government and Law. Today, my friend Latifa showed me the BEST website on Government and Law it just went on and on and on. It was great. I got six back to back note cards only on that website today and i still feel like i haven't covered it well yet!! Also today, on the same website i have found that the ancient Egyptions gave the pharoh other names like 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple' and i thought i could use these names in my essay to make it more creative and not to keep saying the pharoh, the pharoh, and the pharoh..... Can't wait till sundays lesson :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22

Tuesday 22 April

Today, was actually a very good day! We were in another Multi-Media Lab so a lot of people had trouble with getting started with their work because it was probably the first time to log onto this computer. Believe me when i say "it takes ages to get the computer running if its the first time you log on to it". Today, I sat next to Hashim I think that was good because he isn't annoying, noisy. or rude. We just sat and worked and worked and worked (very hard). I did six notecards although they weren't back to back. I think I could have done more notecards if I had better information. Today, I mostly focsed about law and government seen as i only have six back to back notecards on that today i got three more! Hopefully next time will be better and I'm so not looking forward to sitting next to Khalifa...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 21

20th of April

Today, we were in another Multi Media lab for some reason. I noticed that Latifa, Al Dana and I were all sitting next to someone we ha-- I mean, strongly dislike. On the bright-side, I finished four note cards back to back. I hate the internet resources really much because I could not find any good websites at all. I think the next time we go to lab, we will have the time to go look for our own websites and that is a really better idea because I am getting sick and tired of Grolier and Brittanica. We will all probably be in the Multi Media Lab we are always in the next time we come to the Lab, which will be , I think, tomorrow. I should really get some work done and get to finish a lot of note cards like as if I was in a hurry or something like that.

Day 20

19th of April

Mr Sparks moved me today because I "talked". More like "whispered". :) He told me that If I did twenty note cards, I could move to my old spot next to Al Dana and Latifa Al Thani. I worked really hard to find good websites but I just got bits and pieces out of every website I had on Ancient Egypt, Art And Architecture, Religion, and Government.By the end of the lesson, I had ten note cards back to back. Technically, that was twenty note cards. Mr Sparks meant twenty note cards, back to back. That meant forty note cards in one lesson. Even if you made a robot do it for you, he wouldn't even reach up to twenty note cards back to back. No human can possibly do forty note cards in less than the last fifteen minutes of class that we had. I had trouble working up the other computer and it took more than twenty minutes to log on the computer. I wasted my whole class time just because I was " whispering ".

Day 19

16th of April

Today, I have to admit, all three of us were a bit not under control. By three of us I mean Al Dana, Latifa and I. We were laughing the whole lesson and I was shocked that Mr Sparks didn't move us today. He will probably move us the next lesson. I finished three notecards. They were not back to back. The internet resources didn't turn out the way the other people said it was. It was MUCH MUCH worse than that. I hope we can go to the library again because these Multi Media classes are getting really boring because we are searching for information that we already have written on our note cards wither from the books or from the other websites we were allowed to use like Grolier and Britannica and in my opinion, are really bad.

Day 18

14th of April

Mr Sparks got the wrong impression of Latifa, Al Dana and I on Tuesday. He said that if he sees one of us talking during his class time, he will move one of us. We were talking at the beginning of class only because we were asking each other what our ancient civilization is. It turns out that we were all doing the same early ancient civilization thing. Ancient Egypt. We were all also doing the same characteristic. That made it really easy to use some if each others website. I couldn't find anything useful on the Britanica or Grolier. It was like bits and peices out of every page made a note card only and that was really difficult for me to do that because I can't type really fast or even use the computer quickly like almost everybody in the class room can. Two very fast typers are next to me and can't be bothered to help me out or anything. I think Mr Sparks will move one of us. Probably Al Dana.

Day 17

13th of April

" Hoo Hoo ". Majed kept making owl noises in the library because he suddenly realized that when you speak really really loud in the library, it echoes. Al Dana kept getting up and getting tissues, and the people behind us were talking non-stop. I couldn't focus. In the end of the lesson I managed to get two note cards done. They were back to back. I hope at the end of this unit I pass because it looks like that I am going to fail with the rest of the people that are in my class that concentrate when people are talking. I hope in the next lesson, at the multi media lab, I can work harder than how I worked in the library because I need and want to raise my grade and I seriously want to pass Humanities.

Day 16

12th of April

It was the first day back from spring break and everybody was all tired and couldn't be bothered to go to the library, or even walk. Some people in the class room decided that they need to go to the library again to finish up researching more information or just getting all of the bibliographies. I needed more time at the library because I was told the internet resources were really bad. Even worse than the books. So I wanted to get as much notecards as possible today. We raced up the stairs, to the library, and sat in our usual places. Mrs Korbatit's class was not there so the girl that takes all the books wasn't there to take all the ancient Egypt books, as she usually does. All the books were there because all of our friends are separated in to different grade 7 classes and they all said that they were in the multi-media lab right now and that they finished with library a long time ago. I am starting to feel that the internet would not be as worse as the sound.

Day 15

2nd Of April

I could not focus in class today because it was the last day of school and the next day, friday, will be spring break. I tried to wright some notes but some people were distracting me. A boy and a girl from the other class told Al Dana and I that it was o.k to copy off the book and then write it in our on way when it comes to the easy because the notes are not graded as a part of our humanities early civilization, they were just for you. I went to Mr Sparks and asked him if that was true or not because I've been getting the impression that it was not true. I've been copying from the books for a week. I found out that if we did that, we could get in serious trouble for plagiarizing. I had to start all over again because I have made a lot of note cards this week and it was the most, out of all the weeks I worked in the library on the early civilization, notecards I have ever made. I hope after the break, I will realize not to copy off of the book.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 14

31st of March 2009

At the beginning of the lesson, a friend of mine and I spent the first ten minutes of class trying to find a book we needed to use for one of our characteristics. Mr. Sparks then came and handed it to us. My friend and I ALWAYS work together and we always work well in class-time. Mr. Sparks told us that this Thursday was our last day at the library and when we would come back from the Easter break, we would be in the multi-media labs. I had to improve my work because up to now I have not a lot of note cards compared to the other students. I did SIX note-cards today so that means I wasn't sitting with the wrong group of people like last week. I think I concentrated a lot not only because I wasn't sitting with the group of people I normally sit next to but because Mrs. Korbatit's class wasn't there because they had finished there days at the library and now they are in the Multi-Media Labs. By what my friends in 7D told me, I think Mr.Sparks was right when he said that the books are more useful than the internet sources. Today was one of those day where you feel that I needed to improve my Humanities term 3 grade so I asked my friend to stay after-school with me. I think today in class, I did amazingly well. I think I will stay after school tomorrow with my friend and work on the Humanities Early Civilization Project.