Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 3

9th of March 2009

Finally! Mr. Sparks came back! Today we stayed in class and created out Process Journal that Mr. Sparks gave us. In the Process Journal, we had to put in six little "sticky paper" that would hold our notecards later on(I guess). Each little sticky paper had a title. On the first sticky paper, we had to write Introduction. On the second sticky paper, we all had to write the first characteristic that we choose which mine was Government and Law. On the third sticky paper, we had to write our second characteristic, which mine was Art and Architecture. On the fourth sticky paper, we had to write our final characteristic, which mine was Religion. On the fifth sticky paper, we all had to write Conclusion. Finally, on the last sticky paper, we had to write Bibliography. For each characteristic, we had to write three questions we wrote on Thursday on the pocket. Today was a really easy, straight forward lesson for me and I think I did really well.

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